Since you'll be recording what's happening on your desktop, you'll need a third-party tool to live stream.
There are many options, but in this walk-through, we'll be using a program called Open Broadcaster System, commonly known as studio
Problem: Apemaxoperates in two modes: active and passive. Sometimes one mode might not work properly due to
network configuration.
Solution: Switch between passive and active modes in your Apemaxclient settings.
Passive mode is generally more firewall-friendly.
Navigate to your Output Settings Make sure the output mode is set to Advanced. This option is located in a dropdown menu at the top of the Output tab. By default, it is set to Simple. Change it to Advanced and a series of new options will appear.
The quality and stability of your stream are heavily reliant on your internet connection and bitrate. If you experience interruptions or instability, try lowering your bitrate. Use the following settings based on your connection.
While on any Behance page, navigate to the top right of the screen and hover over the "Share Your Work" button. Click the Livestream option from the dropdown menu to access the Streamer Dashboard.
Your streamer Dashboard is your one-stop shop for monitoring your stream, updating its information, and interacting with your audience.
For best discoverability, be sure to create a title, provide a brief description, specify the tools you plan to use and create a few hashtags.